Keep in mind that all the lights generated during the rendering are still unable to go through transparent panes because of limitations in SunFlow. It's so good that I'm surprised you didn't replace the normal rendering method and release it as 'Sweet Home 3D version 4'! Thank you for this great plugin it makes Sweet Home 3D complete.
Plus (this is an easier request) could you add a button to the Advanced photo window so a user can select either Landscape or Portrait for the rendered view? At the moment the only way is to switch off 'Apply proportions' and type in the portrait resolution information. Is there any way to make large size lights (like a lighting softbox) so soft shadows can be generated? At the moment all shadows apart from the 'ceiling light' produce hard edge shadows (they still look great though compared to the normal in built lighting!)Īlso would you be able add an ambient lighting adjustment? I have a request, would it be possible to give the lights a surface to make them visible in the '3D view' for easier positioning, I have carried out some tests and the candle lights (some of the only built in lights that work well) can be positioned then once in place can have their properties changed so the model is hidden, even when hidden this way it still produces a light source in the final advanced photo render. I can't believe you've not have loads of replies about your new rendering plugin, it is incredible!! Maybe most people haven't noticed it yet? I'm new to Sweet Home 3D but for my first model I built a 2 floor building and this plug in has produced some fantastic lighting results!
Sorry, I just discovered a bug I added in the version 1.0 of the plug-in when I copied the code contributed by fma: I shifted months value, because months in GregorianCalendar class are 0 based.Īnd removed links to the older version 1.0.Īs plug-ins management automatically choses the most recent version of a same plug-in available under two different versions, you won't be obliged to remove version 1.0 after installing the new version. Re: Simulate sun position and lights/shadows Last edit by Puybaret at Oct 16, 2012, 5:00:19 PM] Note this plug-in isn't compatible with Sweet Home 3D from version 3.4.Įmmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D developer Note that the features of this plug-in are integrated to Sweet Home 3D itself since version 3.0.] [ : The latest version of the Advanced rendering plug-in is available here. The lights you can turn on or turn off are the ones included in SH3F libraries, but some of them don't have any effect. This new item displays a dialog box with new options (English and French are supported):

Here's the first version of a new plug-in able to render images depending on sun's position.Īnd adds the Tools > Create advanced photo.