You get what you pay for - they may be expensive, but they sound awesome.
So far, so good, will update as time goes by. Out back today while smoking a Boston Butt they sounded just as clean and clear as they did last September. I've played this system every month since installation ( a little less during the snowy times). I have them hooked up to a Onkyo receiver (it too survived the winter, another review) with JSC 14 AWG underground wire. I left them in the ground because they advertise they can handle it hey you see them at outdoor malls everywhere. I placed them in the ground in our backyard back last September. No worries, Amazon immediately sent another set. My wife convinced me to go ahead and buy these speakers. I am a fan of Bose - ear buds, noise reducing over the ear headphones, SoundDock.

I did a lot of research on in-ground speakers. Nicht umsonst haben sie weltweit so viele in Gebrauch vom Strandhotel bis zum Freizeitpark wie das Phantasialand. Wir sind mit dem Kauf, wie auch den anderen Bose Outdoor Lautsprechern mehr als sehr zufrieden. Unser Installateur hat extra spezielle IP68 Kabelverbindungsmuffen zwischen gemacht mit 2X2,5qcm Erdkabel als Zuleitung zum Lautsprecher. Nur die mitgelieferten Kabelverbinder von BOSE kann man völlig vergessen. Tolle Sache - unsichtbarer Klang wartungsfrei und unempfindlich, so muss es sein.Įin 51er ist in einem Beet unter einem alten Kirschbaum eingegraben und bekommt auch noch regelmäßig die viel zu vielen Kirschen ab, samt auslaufenden Fruchtsaft auf dem Gehäuse - macht dem 51er nichts aus. Mit einem SA5 kann man sie schon so laut aufdrehen, wie man es normalerweise (aus Rücksicht zu Nachbarn) garnicht machen würde -ĭie Gäste finden die Lautsprecher wirklich nicht, erst mit intensiven Verfolgen der Klangrichtung da sie mit ihrem grünen Gehäuse zwischen den Pflanzen nicht zu sehen sind. Wir haben dieses Paar 51er zusätzlich zu unseren 251er Terassenlautsprecher gekauft um das Klangfeld zu vergrößern und gleichmäßiger zu gestalten.ĭie 51er sind eine absolute Empfehlung - zusammen mit einem SA5 definitiv genug Leistung, schöner Klang und auch die Bässe sind völlig zufriedenstellend. And you'll get to be 'that guy/girl' who will then ramble on for half an hour about how you've spent a grand (becuase they need a streaming amp to go with them) on a garden audio system and you don't regret it for a minute, no sireee. Once they're installed properly they'll sound like you remember and all your guests will be wondering where the tunes are coming from. More so than any other speaker I've owned these need running in. Get them in the ground where they're supposed to be and get some music running for an hour or so. They're lighter than they look, and if you wire them up for a test listen before you put them in the ground you might be a touch disappointed - there seems to be very little of the rich lower end that the brand is well known for. But for the rest of you, who've heard these speakers used in public spaces - restauraunts, malls but most probably theme parks - you're wondering if you can possibly justify the cost for something that you're going to half-bury in the ground in your own back garden.

And if you're happy with this, then you must have ended up on this page by mistake.
It's fairly easy to achieve too - a battery powered bluetooth speaker and bang - you've got the party vibe. Having music on outside is a fantastic accompanyment to any social engagement. And for use on a patio or deck, the grooves on the underside of the base allow you to neatly tuck in wires for a simple and professional-looking installation. Designed to blend in with backyard greenery, you may hardly notice them when placed within your landscaping. These speakers can be installed in the ground or on hard surfaces. And a domed grille resting over that port reflects high-frequency tones across the listening area. A centrally located port enhances low-frequency performance to help preserve the depth and richness of music outdoors. Free Space 51 outdoor stereo speakers offer broad, even coverage from a design that enables 360-degree sound dispersion. Connect them to your existing stereo receiver and enjoy natural sound throughout a broad listening area. Bose Free Space 51 speakers are our best performing outdoor speakers for placement in the garden, on the deck or on the patio. Bring the subtle nuances of your favorite music to life in outdoor environments where wall mounting is not an option.